Shanghai's progressive Jewish community

Your support matters

Help Build and Sustain Kehilat Shanghai

Your valuable contributions, through membership, individual giving or sponsorships, enables us to:

  • Hold events that bring progressive Jews of Shanghai together---major holidays, weekly Shabbat dinners, speakers and social gatherings.

  • Bring Rabbis to Shanghai to help us celebrate major Jewish holidays throughout the year.

  • Allow Jews to attend our events regardless of their financial ability (especially students far from home!)

  • Support the development of progressive Jewish educational offerings for the youngest generation of Jews in Shanghai.

  • Hire a full time coordinator to support our volunteers and our Board.

Become a member



For individuals wishing to offer Kehilat Shanghai financial support above and beyond any membership fees.

Donations can also be made directly to:

Kehilat Shanghai Foundation, 4514 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 107, Washington DC 20008. Kehilat Shanghai Foundation can also be found on most charitable giving sites. Our federal EIN is 83-3957662
